Lucas N. Alegre
Institute of Informatics at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and Farama Foundation

Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil
I am a Ph.D. student in the Institute of Informatics at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) under the supervision of Prof. Ana Bazzan and Prof. Bruno C. da Silva. Part of my Ph.D. was done in the AI Lab at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) under the supervision of Prof. Ann Nowé.
I am also part of the Farama Foundation, a nonprofit organization that maintains the largest open-source RL libraries in the world.
I completed my B.Sc. in Computer Science cum laude at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in 2020. My undergraduate thesis, advised by Prof. Bruno C. da Silva, tackled the problem of reinforcement learning in continuous non-stationary environments.
My main research interests are in reinforcement learning (RL) and its use to empower artificial intelligence agents to solve real-world problems.
In my Ph.D., I am tackling the problem of how to design principled sample-efficient RL algorithms capable of learning multiple behaviors that can be combined to solve multi-task and multi-objective problems.